Saturday, July 30, 2005

Cruelty to bears

I haven't quite got used to this blogging lark, it doesn't appeal to me to write constant updates, but one feels you are letting the blog down if you don't write more frequently, but I guess blogging is about being you and not what others expect you to do.

I have to record one of the funniest things I have experienced recently. And it was an event that just shows you how unpredictable life can be, and that the smallest of things can put a smile on your face and brighten your day. I'll try and pass the emotion I felt on. We were in the local supermarket - admittedly we had gone in there to replenish the bottle of wine we had just sunk, so we were one bottle down. There was a small girl with her father, smiling and giggling, and generally in a child's place. As we left the shop the girl and her father were in front of us. Slowly we began to see a small trail of fluff from behind the pushchair, as we followed the pushchair we could see a small arm depositing fluff out the other side in a Hansel and Grettal style. I can't express how cute it was. Obviously not cute for the poor bear that was having it's stuffing literally knocked out of it. We followed the two home, until the trail stopped. The grown up had realised what was happening and had put a stop to cruelty to bears. So why funny...what makes something funny and make us smile. To me I think it was just the simplicity of the act, and the fun with which the small child was having. She very much reminded me of my niece, and how small children can be.


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